Oral thrush in adults

Oral thrush treatments are simple the whole goal is to stop the spread and kill the bacteria candida that is thriving in your body. Finding out the reason you have a candida overgrowth is the first step. This relates directly to your age, general health, and other factors that must be understood to attack the root of the problem.



Diabetics who have had a high blood sugar event recently are very likely to have a episode of thrush. The best solution here may be as simple as rinsing your mouth with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide a couple of times a day, maybe just eating yogurt several times a day and trying to avoid any more high blood sugar events.



If you drink alcohol frequently or have a high carbohydrate and sugars diet you are at higher risk of getting a thrush infection. The body converts alcohol and carbohydrates into sugar. This high level of sugar present in the saliva is the perfect environment for candida to thrive in. The best oral thrush treatment here maybe a simple diet change along with eating yogurt or rinsing your mouth with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.



People with dentures often are at higher risk for thrush. It's possible the best oral thrush treatment in this case might be to soak your dentures every night in chlorhexidine gluconate to help prevent the spread of candida. People with dentures often suffer from reoccurring thrush and they don't think they can get rid of it. However quite often they cure themselves and then give themselves another infection through their infected dentures’



Let's say you’re having to take a antibiotics for some reason, taking antibiotics is probably the number one reason for getting a candida infection of any sort. You see the while the antibiotics are doing their job of killing or preventing a different type of infection they accidentally kill some "good" bacteria in your body that fights the candida. This in turn gives the candida a chance to thrive and thrush may be the first symptom you notice.

While curing the thrush may be as simple as eating yogurt or rinsing your mouth with 3% hydrogen peroxide you may experience a deeper candida infection and should look for signs of a yeast infection in your body. Curing a yeast infection in different areas of the body requires a little more work, you have to kill the candida throughout your entire body. This is really the best thing to do anyway because having candida in your body serves absolutely no purpose and does nothing but harm if it gets out of control.



A good program like the one in Yeast Infection No More is the best way to rid your body of candida. This is by far the best way to get rid of any yeast infection anywhere on the body. Basically all candida infections whether it is mouth, skin, ear, penile, vaginal, digestive, or even athlete's foot are just a overgrowth of the yeast fungus. Even though there are hundreds of different strains of the candida bacteria a good program like this can kill them all and teach you how to free of them forever.



People with HIV/Aids get thrush often because of a weakened immune system. Even though getting rid of thrush temporarily may be easy trying to prevent another one is tricky. You have to find a way to help your body control candida levels. This may be thru diet or an anti-fungal form your doctor.